Events for 2018-2019

Planned lectures  for 2019: Bramhall Men’s Probus – on the subject of Great Forgers – 23 March 2019 Grange Lecture Society – on the subject of Casanova – a return visit Heaton Literary and Philosophical Society – on the subject … Continue reading

EVENTS 2016-2017 23 June 2016 revision


EVENTS 2016-2017 – 23 June 2016 revision
This is my list of forthcoming lecture gigs for 2016-17. In April 2016, I did a cruise on Fred Olsen’s ship Braemar along the French coast to Bordeaux and ending with a beautiful cruise up the seine estuary. This was the fourth time that Fred Olsen had invited me to lecture, and I am grateful and assume I must be doing something right. The organisational skill of the cruise companies and the quality of their staff never cease to amaze me. The lecture in Chester was fun and the topic of Great Forgers seems to be the one audiences most ask for. The Grimsby lecture went well to a large audience and gave me an opportunity to see a much loved niece and her husband. The Hazel Grove lecture was a repeat invitation after both audience and lecturer had great fun with Great Forgers in 2015. In April my wife and I took a short break in Bath and used the opportunity to lecture to the Bedwyn History Society following an invitation received on one of my cruises.s

Chester 25.1.16
Great Forgers
Grimsby – Everyman Club 9.2.16
The First Great credit Crunch
Hazel Grove – Stockport Walking and Outdoor Group
Heaton Chapel Li & Phil 9.1.17
Great Forgers
Hull Lit & Phil Soc 15.11.16 Casanova

Keswick 1.11.16
Great Forgers
Romily U3A 28.7.16
Charlatans and Frauds
Wiltshire – Bedwn History Society 12.4.16


LESSON FOUR – THE LAST COWBOY IN WREXHAM Hughie Williams was an Indian fighter. He and his drinking pal, my Uncle Denis, killed the last one in Wrexham, in the summer of 1954, one morning shortly before breakfast, while Little … Continue reading

GRANGE LECTURE SOCIETY – 27 January 2015 – Feedback

GRANGE LECTURE SOCIETY – 27 January 2015 – Feedback On 27 January 2015 I delivered my lecture GREAT FORGERS to the Grange Lecture Society at the Victoria Hall, Grange-over-Sands as previously blogged. By pure luck I missed the snow that … Continue reading